"Starscream's Ghost"

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1st Junkion: Hurry, hurry, hurry! Head on up and move ‘em out! Come on down to Cybertron!
A day without scrap metal is like a breakfast without sunshine!

Octane: Hey, don’t make this load too heavy! Last time I nearly sprung a cog tryin’ to get back to Cybertron!

1st Junkion: Can’t please all of the people all of the time!

Galvatron: I want you to seek that traitor Octane! Stalk him and destroy him! I hate liars and double dealers! His brutal end shall serve as an example to all Decepticons of what will happen if they cross me!!

Octane: All right, that’s enough! Let’s get a move on!

2nd Junkion: The best to you each morning, Octane.

Octane: Hheh, I’d probably be a jerk too if I was made of junk.
No, that’s not it. A little more here... Yeah, that’s better.
What’s that?
Oh, thank you, powers that be!
Sheesh! What’ve you been eatin’?
Oh, thanks, gee, no, ah, ne-never mind, I just wanna be taken to Autobot City where I’ll be safe!
I’m tellin’ ya, the Decepticons are after me! I need protection!

Sandstorm: Whoa, you sure you’re fully recovered from the explosion there, Octane buddy?

Octane: I heard a noise! I just wasn’t watching where I was going!
There it is again! We’re bein’ watched...

Sandstorm: Oh, Octane, now you’re hearin’ things! Don’t worry, it’s normal to be a little jittery! Gee, maybe you should head back for more extensive repairs!

Octane: I’m fine!

Sandstorm: But you are an older model. You probably should start taking it a little easier!

Octane: Older model? I’ll show you older! Watch this!

Blast Off: The traitor is getting away! Let me go after him!

Onslaught: No! Do not expose yourself! There will be other opportunities!

Sandstorm: Not bad!
OK, sure! You showed me, Oct buddy, now I’ll show you. Eat my dust!
You ate it that time.

Octane: Oh yeeah?!

Sandstorm: They missed me!

Octane: Hh! That’s because they weren’t shootin’ at you! They’re after me!

Sandstorm: Let’s see.
No two ways about it! You gotta do somethin’ about your popularity!

Octane: What are we gonna do?

Sandstorm: It’s probably too late to get warranty insurance.

Onslaught: Wait until he moves, then...

Octane: Hahahah! Eh-eat my dust!

Sandstorm: Ah, that’s my dust!

Octane: Ehh! It’s gonna take us forever to fuel up!

Skuxxoid: It’s gonna be a bit of a wait, if you know what I mean! You might as well grab some grub! I love grub! Come on in! Sure! Oh, yeah, you’re number 31, yeah, that’s it.

Octane: Eeh, how’s the food here?

Sandstorm: Eah, looks like the usual slop. High and static. The stuff always gives me surges.

Octane: For 20 % off, what’re a few surges?

Sandstorm: Right-o! Let’s go!

Waitress: Here’s your energon, tall, dark and metallic.

Octane: You know, sooner or later, they’re gonna get me.

Sandstorm: The Decepticons?

Octane: Yeah. Galvatron can’t afford to let me live.

Sandstorm: Well, that’s his tough luck, because I’m gonna keep you around!

Octane: Believe me, I hope you’re right.

Customer: Waitress!

Skuxxoid: Daoh! My gun!!

2nd Customer: A little heavy on the photons.

Skuxxoid: Oh no! Noo!!

Announcer: Number 27! Refuel is complete! Number 27!

Octane: I interfered with Galvatron’s orders. I swiped Trypticon and tried to become powerful enough to become the new leader of the Decepticons!
He said I’d never be welcome back in the ranks of the Decepticons. Galvatron vowed to get even.

Announcer: Number 29! Refuel is complete! Number 29!

3rd Customer: OK, that’s it!

4th Customer: I’m still hungry!

5th Customer: Oh, this? I picked it up on Mars!

6th Customer: You mean without a pattern?

7th Customer: Well, I thought the water was safe to drink!

3rd Customer: Is he with us? We gotta get movin’!

Sandstorm: Wow! Say, you don’t think he’s givin’ up, huh?

Octane: No, I don’t. But I wonder what he’s gonna try next.

Skuxxoid: Yeeaaiiee! Take that, you overgrown tin can! And that! And that! I didn’t want this job! I had to take it! I’ve got a wife and kids! I have to deactivate you, ‘cause I gotta make a living! Don’t you understand?!

Octane: I only wanna hear one word from you: the name of the guy who hired ya.

Skuxxoid: Galvatron!

Sandstorm (Laughs): Looks like Galvatron’s gettin’ a little hard up for troops!

Octane (Chuckles): Either that or he’s got a vermin problem!

Sandstorm: You’ll be safe on Cybertron.

Scourge: Excellent! That traitor is our ticket past Autobot security!

Cyclonus: I long for the day when we’ll be able to attack honourably...
One clear shot, and we can all go home!

Octane: Oh no!

Cyclonus: Trap him in the corridor!

Scourge: Good plan, Cyclonus! We would be honoured if you would lead the assault!

Cyclonus: You will lead the attack, coward!
He’s over there!

Octane: Oh, ah, s-sorry, Thundercracker! I’ll hide behind someone else’s marker.
I know. “Death comes to he who hides behind my marker!” Listen, guys, I’ve got a problem!
(Under his breath) Starscream!
Who is it? Come out, Sweep! I hope it’s a Sweep... Ah, who’s that?

Starscream: It’s your old buddy. Starscream!! (Laughs)
Just a shadow of my former self, don’t you think?

Octane: Staarscreeeeeaaammm!!!

Starscream: Why, Octane, old friend. I’m touched that you remember me! (Chuckles) Let me help you straighten yourself up!

Octane: No! I’m fine! I’m - I’m fine!!

Cyclonus: He must be hiding in the crypt.

Scourge: Good! Then we won’t have to take him anywhere when we’re done.

Starscream: Don’t fear me, Octane. We have more in common than you might think. Help me get revenge against Galvatron, who put me in this somewhat insubstantial condition, and I will get you out of your mess.

Octane: Anything!

Scourge: You go down that shaft!

1st Sweep: How come I gotta do the dirty work?

Scourge: You see if the traitor is hiding down there!

2nd Sweep: No way! If you’re so fired up to know what’s going on, you go down there!

Scourge: You lead!!

3rd Sweep: I wouldn’t want anyone thinking that I question you as a leader, but sorry...

Cyclonus: I question your leadership skills, Scourge. The last one in there will face me!
You have much to learn.

Scourge: Yes, it is true.

Cyclonus: Now dive!!

1st Sweep: No sign of life here!

3rd Sweep: No! Absolutely quiet as a tomb!

2rd Sweep: Gone. Yeah! He’s gone! (Breathes nervously)

Cyclonus: Cowardly fools! Fan out and search!
Come out and die like a warrior! How dare you disgrace your ancestors by cowering like a pocket computer!! He’s worse than the Sweeps!
Come out and face your fate like the powerful Decepticon you once were!
Not like the miserable excuse for a Decepticon you have become!
What are you gaping at?

Starscream: It’s nice to have a body again! (Laughs)

Octane: Starscream! Is that you in there?

Starscream: Only my metal polisher knows for sure. (Laughs)

Octane: Uh! I had to be sure!

Starscream: Now make this look good! (Assumes Cyclonus’s voice) I have captured the traitor.

1st Sweep: He’s captured the traitor!

2nd Sweep: Now. How do we get out of here?

Starscream (Cyclonus voice): We will take him back to Charr as a trophy for Galvatron. (Affects Dracula-like laughter) (Starscream voice) Now look scared, moron, or I will have to destroy you!

Kup: Sufferin’ software!
How the devil’d they get in here?

Octane: They’ve spotted us!

Starscream: Whatever would we do without a powerful intellectual like you along?

Sandstorm: Don’t worry, Octane! They won’t keep ya!

Starscream: Get out of the way!

1st Sweep: There seems to be something wrong with Cyclonus’s voice!

2nd Sweep: Yes, he sounds like Starscream!

Scourge: No need to be insulting!

Starscream: You will suffer for that!

Silverbolt: Aerialbots! Attack!

Starscream: The Aerialbots are after us! Let’s make a place to fight! 
Now that’s my idea of a proper battlefield!

Silverbolt: Aerialbots! Transform and surround!

Rodimus Prime: Circle the Decepticons and don’t let ‘em out!

Starscream: Now look what you got us into!

Octane: Me?! I believe it was your bright idea to take this route!

Starscream: I don’t remember you having any ideas at all - bright or otherwise!

Rodimus Prime: Now let Octane go.

Starscream: Octane is free to go.

Rodimus Prime: Starscream!

Starscream: That’s right. And if you want a bonus beyond your wildest dreams you will release us now!

Silverbolt: What’s goin’ on? Nobody’s shootin’!

Slingshot: It can’t be anything good!

Rodimus Prime: Hold your fire!

Galvatron: I ordered this traitor destroyed!

Starscream: (Cyclonus voice) I thought I’d leave the pleasure of deactivating the miserable traitor to you. Besides, he might have information about the Autobots!

Galvatron: Yees! We shall interrogate him. Even if it’s not informative, it will be fun!

Starscream (Cyclonus voice): Take this, you traitor!

Octane: Ouch! Aiee!

Galvatron (To himself): Aah! That’s one thing I will say for Cyclonus; he administers a good interrogation.

Octane: AAA! I will never tell! (To Starscream) Hey, you got pretty close that time!

Starscream (Giggles): You better before they discover your bad acting!

Octane (To Starscream): OK, OK! (Openly) I’ll talk! I’ll talk!

Galvatron: I have lived all my life for this day!

Rodimus Prime: Ready when you are, Galvatron!

Galvatron: We must fight honourably! Hand unit to hand unit!

Rodimus Prime: As you wish!

Galvatron: Had enough, Prime? Shall I end it for you quickly?

Rodimus Prime: Not quite!

Galvatron: Oohh! Down, but not out, Rodimus! I - ohh...

Octane (Mistakenly in Starscream’s voice): So you think Galvatron’s nothing but slag-iron now?

Starscream (Mistakenly in Octane’s voice): Eheh, yeah! We’ve seen the last of that sucker!

Galvatron: Seen the last of who, Cyclonus?

Starscream (Cyclonus voice): Eh, why er, no one really, sir. I - I mean...

Galvatron: You mean what, old friend?

Starscream: (Clears his voice up) Well, now who do you think I mean?

Galvatron: Starscream!!

Starscream (Laughs)

Galvatron: I shall enjoy destroying you even more this time than the last!

Starscream: Destroying me was a great disservice to all Decepticons!

Cyclonus: What happened to me? Last I remember I was in the Decepticon crypt and er...

Galvatron: I hope I’ve seen the last of that miserable usurper! See that Cyclonus is properly repaired!

Starscream: (Affects Scourge’s voice) Of course, Galvatron. (Laughs)

The End

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